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God said, "We are God's children." 

1 JOHN 3:1 (Easy English Bible )           

Think about how much God the Father loves us. He calls us his children! God loves us so much that we really have become his children. The people who belong to this world do not understand who God is. Because of that, they do not understand who we are.

This verse speaks of the immense love that God has for us as His children. It emphasizes the depth of His love by describing it as "great" and "lavished." As His children, we are not only loved, but we are also called His own. This love is not based on anything we have done or achieved but solely on His grace and mercy.

It's a profound reminder of our identity and worth in God's eyes. No matter what we may face or how we may feel, we can find assurance and comfort in knowing that we are deeply loved and cherished by our Heavenly Father

(Prayer) Lord  I allow you to love me just the way I am. I ask that you teach me to understand how to receive your love in which it will then help me to love myself and others just the way you do. Amen!

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You are truly Loved by Christ!

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Submitted & Willing

God's desire for us is to have hearts that are sincere and open to His will and purpose. He values our willingness to trust Him and say "yes" to His leading, even when we may not fully understand where it will take us.

This perspective shifts the focus from trying to achieve perfection, which can be a daunting and impossible task, to embracing a posture of surrender and obedience. God isn't expecting flawless performance from us; He simply asks for our willingness to yield to His guidance and follow His direction.

In essence, it's about cultivating a relationship of trust and intimacy with God, where our hearts are attuned to His voice and our lives are surrendered to His plans. When we offer Him our "yes," we invite Him to work in and through us, transforming us according to His purposes and ultimately bringing glory to His name.